JohnSu Goes to AX 2012

JohnSu Goes to AX 2012
JohnSu Goes to AX 2012

JohnSu Goes to AX 2012 Press SHIFT to toggle the squiggles on and off. Previous reports: 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008 AM2 2012 My 5th year and I finally get around to tabling. It was a pretty cool and crazy experience! I was sandwiched between :iconlarein:, :iconwasil:, :iconnarutofan51:, and :iconremorsery:, with my brother :iconpixelsmith: helping me out on the side (He later pointed out that we were the only dudes we could see in our row). I was also visited by many others, and met up with a couple of other deviants for the first time; Artist Alley is a cool place! Anyhow, like with my AM2 report, I’m going to write my page-by-page comments here, because I know you guys just LOVE bouncing up and down the page (honestly, I should probably look into building some sort of alt. text support into the flash book, but I’ve been really eager to get this thing finished and out to you) Comments: p.02 (Artist Alley Persuasion) – I finally did it! Though ironically like only one of the artists who actually told me to do it attended this year. p.04 (Restocking and Business Cards) – So I ran out of stuff at AM2. That felt pretty bad, so this time I told myself I’d be fine with excess stock, and ordered like 600 prints. I also felt kind of dumb for writing my url on sticky notes, so I made 400 business cards at Staples. Ran out of business cards – didn’t run out of prints. p.06 (Complications) – Yaaay violence p.08 (Firefall Bus) – So this was pretty rad. I got to go inside the bus and look around a bit before the exhibit hall opened. I was also present at its unveiling (all the while worrying about my table). I didn’t play, though, because I ran back to my table afterwards (and I see the game everyday at work) p.09 (Table Location) – Apparently finding one table among 500 is pretty tough. I was a little sad that I was facing away from all the action, but on the plus side, I was placed just outside a restroom. Anyone who went to take a crap would exit to see mine! p.10 (Coworkers) – My first crowd of the con. Thanks guys! And sorry I wasn’t there! I feel bad for being absent during this busy schedule. p.11 (Helper) – Turns out I didn’t need a helper as much as I initially thought. Still very helpful, though. My brother would watch the table, go on food runs, manage book-keeping, and eat my cheese balls. p.12 (Fan Food) – Thanks to everyone who brought me food (and food related peripherals)! I was just kidding, but uh, thanks! I ate everything, like a young naive child. p.13 (Self-Portrait) – Okay, so in case you guys didn’t know, the way I draw myself is just glasses and hair placed on top of a flesh-colored block. This does not actually look like a human face, which is what I have. Don’t be surprised! p.15 (Denny’s) – Favorite moment of that night: on the way out, a woman approached Larein, complimenting her hair and asking if it was real. Larein informed her that it was a wig, and the women said thank you and departed. As we got into the car, we heard a shout, «I was RIGHT!» p.16 (Escape to Drawing) – How many artists start off this way, I wonder? p.17 (Money box) – Pro tip: do not leave a box of cash laying out in the open. Luckily nothing happened to mine. p.18 (Exhibit Browsing) – That alpaca has gotten quite popular. I’d want one too, if only I could figure out where to keep it. p.20 (Red 5 Backpack) – This actually surprised me, since I figured we’d be less recognizable than our game. Though I guess «less» is not the same as «not at all.» p.22 (Abacus and Arm Covers) – Didn’t get them, though. I used to own a pair of arm covers, but I don’t know where they are now. Also, I cannot operate an abacus. p.23 (Display Theft) – I was kind of angry and flattered all at the same time. I don’t like to think about who might have done it, though, as it’d just poison my view of the community. Luckily it was just a couple of the small prints that were taken. p.24 (Discarded Food) – :iconcryforeverplz: p.25 (Commission) – Not the weirdest commission I did that weekend, but it’s pretty up there. Thanks to everybody who came by and got something drawn! I really enjoyed drawing people’s OC’s, and might consider doing something like again on livestream one day or something. p.26 (Restroom) – I was also pissing next to Jiraiya, but this incident kind of stood out more. p.27 (Empty Hall) – It’s eerily plain without all the exhibitors and people and objects. Like…a ROOM. p.28 (Charity Auction) – True story. Different words. Still, it was rather entertaining watching the rest of the auction – we came in just to kill time, but it was almost kind of a sport watching the bids come in. p.29 (Closing Ceremony) – Finally got to see one of these (ceremonies, not ass-shaking). This was our first time attending all four days, so we figured we might as well see it all – like the closing credits of a film. Man, there was so much more that happened and so many more people I would have liked to mention, but I’ve been working on this report for so long now that I’d just like to move on. So I apologize if you met me there and were hoping to see yourself appear in the report! It’s not like I forgot you (except if I really did) – I just have limited resources here. Well, that’s about all I’ve got for now. Next up – I am thinking of redrawing some of those sketches I made during the con and uploading those in all their digital glory. Keep an eye out! Made in Flash

Categories and tags of the game : Anime, Comic, Crude Humor, Interactive, Mouse-only, My Neighbor Totoro and more..., Single Player, Spirited Away