Jay’s Memorial
Just to let you know, Jay isn’t actually dead, but he has seemed to quit the fandom. If my assumptions are correct he will no longer be making pony art (porn or otherwise).
It makes me incredibly sad and furious that such an awesome artist and overall cool dude could be shut down by haters. He had a good deal of hate come in on his tumblr until he decided to disallow anonymous comments. I honestly don’t understand kids these days who feel the need to hate online. I fucking hate hip hop but you wouldn’t see me purposefully going onto hip hop websites or videos to vent my hate. I just ignore it. The more attention you give something, the more power it controls. Justin Bieber had just as many haters as fans and he blew way the fuck up in popularity. Haters were basically giving him money simply by visiting a youtube page with one of his videos with ads.
But I digress…
Jay is a cool dude. He reminds me of me. He doesn’t like idiots, he can’t take any critique seriously unless the one critiquing actually knows what he’s talking about and offers advice after identifying the problem much like myself.
His Lil Miss Rarity ask blog was highly entertaining to me. I found him when I was just starting to actually watch the show and his blog gave rarity a much bigger appeal to me than the show could. I wasn’t fond of how the blog got sidetracked with a long story arc, but I was sure that it would end soon and the blog would return to normal ask-answer order.
It upsets me when haters win…
Categories and tags of the game : Internet Forum, Moderate Language, My Little Pony, Other, Single Player