It’s Birds, it’s Planes…

It’s Birds, it’s Planes…
It’s Birds, it’s Planes…

It's Birds, it's Planes... …It’s Latias and Latios! Click on them to make them fly like jets, and vice versa. 😉 Finally I have finished making the first animation in the new year! ^^; Have been busying with exams recently… finally the end came near. To tell the truth, I heve always loved these two after watching Pokemon Heroes– they have such unique designs and colors! (And an interesting background story too!) They were quite difficult to draw, though… but now I think I have got enough skills for drawing them, yes? Well, seriously, I really can’t figure out what these two Pokemons are based on… perhaps really on both birds and planes? [Edited (21.1.08): Fixed Latia’s legs according to my mum’s opinion. Hopes it looks better now?] [Edited 2 (9.2.08): Made them fly slower according to *Galahawk’s opinion.] [Edited 3 (28.6.08): Finally fixed the looping glitch!]

Categories and tags of the game : Interactive, Pokémon, Single Player