If life were a game…

If life were a game…
If life were a game…

If life were a game... Perhaps it might looks something like this 😆 With floating HP bars over everyone’s heads and stuff :B OHGAWD FINALLY FINISHED BLOODY HELL. This thing gave me so much grief, because i have this shitty method of doing flash animations wherein i treat them much like how i treat my normal static pictures 😐 If you understand my normal art process then you will probably be able to see why this is not a good thing to do with animation |D Here i will be your perfect role model as to what NOT TO DOOO WITH FLASH. This was my order of reactions throughout this anim: https://grineagerplz.deviantart.com/ https://dummylaplz.deviantart.com/ https://eagerblankplz.deviantart.com/ https://starewatplz.deviantart.com/ https://grinstareplz.deviantart.com/ Fuck you and your freckles Caleb, srsly. Also if you manage to catch what some of the txt moves says then you’ll notice that i opted to use random Pokemon ones :XD: Because i could 😛 Izm’s are: Taunt, Low Kick and Barrage Caleb’s are: Mach Punch, Take Down and Freefall .D’s moves are special moves pertaining to his status :XD: All prefects would have them although they’d differ in execution lol. Animation + Hedone High © me [*https://darqx.deviantart.com/] :cd: http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/316591

Categories and tags of the game : Action, Anime, Fighting, Mortal Kombat, Single Player