Hedone High Xmas ‘e-Card’

Hedone High Xmas ‘e-Card’
Hedone High Xmas ‘e-Card’

Hedone High Xmas 'e-Card' «You are not light, y’know.» Izm, .D and Marcus wishing you Happy Holidays =) Not really an e-card but similar enough to one that it could probably pass XP SUPREMELY SIMPLE so don’t expect anything hugely awesome. Although it’s amazing how something this simple could become so complicated through the stupid act of wanting to put music on this thing :noes: But i also think it was because Flash being the bitch it was wanted to fuck with me a little. In fact i’ll regale you with the tale now because it actually is quite funny in hindsight :XD: In a nutshell (this was over the duration of a couple of hours mind) : — I wanted to add music using Actionscript (using AS2 because i was using Flash MX), through pulling the song from the library which was something i’d never really done before. Couldn’t be that hard right? ERRR WRONG. MX isn’t reading my code and playing music and i know it’s viable code so it should work. So i open Flash CS3 and copypasta the code into a new .fla and WADDYA KNOW. It works. Okiday then, open the original .fla in Flash CS3. But woah wait, what’s this? No sound? But the code should work dammit! I HAVE PROOF IT SHOULD. Fine, whatever. Copypasta all images etc into the .fla with just the music code. HEY MUSIC! :w00t: Great, now i have to write some code so that we can pause and play the music. Ok, that wasn’t too bad. Oh but wait, now for some reason the code that generates the snow in the bg is ignoring the x-axis stuff :noes: WRYYYYY?! It was working perfectly fine before ~ *cue a lot of tinkering, copypasta and swearing* So either one works or the other. Oh wait, now the snow just doesn’t want to work period. whut. ಠ_ಠ Eventually i found that opening the original .fla in Flash MX, doing the coding in there and saving, and then opening the .fla in CS3 to export made both the snow and music work properly. Lyke wtf flash srsly. And then a new problem! AS2 limitations with sound. Are you meaning to tell me i can’t really loop a sound and have a pause play button and still have it continuously looping? whut. ಠ_ಠ *tinker tinker tinker sweaaaaaaaaar* Fuck you flash, fixed that with an onSoundComplete! D< — https://otlplz.deviantart.com/ Oh Flash, when will you get any easier? So yah, TADAAAAAAAA |D I hope you guys learn a lesson from this. Like…if you learn flash don't be like me lol. On a side note; the animated presents will kinda be like this, but a lot simpler in that there will only be one character each present, bg = maybe and probably no music. =) Fucking music. — Art, animation + characters (c) me [*https://darqx.deviantart.com/] Snow AS: http://www.flashkit.com/movies/Animations/Snow_Fal-ValueAme-10568/index.php Music: http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/64102

Categories and tags of the game : Anime, Christmastide, Ecard, Loop, Music, Single Player