Gridrunner Ghoul
left right and down arrows change the direction you’re facing, up moves forward, space fires the bow once you’ve found it.
this is a port of game i made a while back for the ZX81, other than highscores and a lack of input lag this should be fairly faithful to that hardware. after a recent nightmare i had at random about 3d monster maze i decided to bring this over so people can see it if they want 😮 and take the opportunity to add back in a few things i had to cut to make it under 16k. all you hunt the wumpus fans will find it familiar.
i hope some people have fun with it. perhaps even get a bit halloween spooked :O
some tipz:
-don’t forget your starting position
-the range that you detect monsters and items is on the title screen, avoiding things will be difficult if you don’t keep it in mind
-the «overwhelming dread» must be struck with the bow while you’re facing the immediately adjacent block it occupies, afterwards you can move forward to get the key and make your way back to your starting point
-singlemode is a single level maze that uses the options you provide.
-endlessmode will always have the highest difficulty settings, each time you clear a level a new one is generated that’s larger than the last.
editz: i guess i should give a full breakdown, you’re on a grid with the coordinates in the top right of the screen. 0,0 is the northwest corner. going beyond the edges wraps you back around. you have a sense of nearby objects in a radius around them. if each block on the grid is one character, X is you, E is an enemy and e is the area you can detect them –
in that case you wouldn’t sense them. but if you moved north or east from that point you would; (faint scratching, ominous presence). because of this you can always safely move two spaces toward something but beyond that you risk encountering it. by moving around the edges of an enemy location you can determine its exact position. this is required to find items and defeat the dread within.
Categories and tags of the game : ASCII, Maze, Role-Playing, Single Player