Gorillaz in «Noodelu»

Gorillaz in «Noodelu»
Gorillaz in «Noodelu»

Gorillaz in "Noodelu" IF IT DOESN’T START WORKING, then press the ‘download’ button thing. Story of animation: I was reading some Gorillaz interview where they were asked how they met Noodle, Russel (i think) said that she came in a Fed Ex crate, jumped out, performed and awesome riff and ended it with a karate kick. So, yeah, I kind of animated it (poorly drawn guitar… u.u lol sorry!!) If you can’t read what any of it says, it goes a lil sumthing like this: Gorillaz in «Noodelu!» Murdoc: WTF?? Which one of you chuckle-heads ordered a kid in abox?!» Noodle: «NOO-DEL-U! NOODELU!!» «wai!» «yosh!» <—- my fave sequence.. and the bit with murdoc looking freaked out, as anyone would be if they opened a crate and a little japanese girl popped out. then lots a lil "yoooooo" "hah!!" and giggles. I haven't made too many animations before… maybe 3 or so… thus I am pretty bad hahaha, but this one is meant to be jumpy, this was the style I was going for, when I started this, it was only going to be Murdoc lifting the crate lid and then you see Noodle… but OH MY GAWD… it took over me…. which is easy coz I have been zombie-like for the past two weeks. So, I think I drew at least 150 images, (some i recycled a few times 😀 :D) but that's a lot anyhow :boogie: Hope you all enjoy!! some more art will be on it's way soon. Gorillaz = Jamie Hewlett :heart: :heart:

Categories and tags of the game : Comedy, Gorillaz, Single Player