Get my pill back

Get my pill back
Get my pill back

Get my pill back If you want to have much fun during passing some two-players game, you should pay attention to the flash game called Get My Pill Back. Here both heroes like to eat delicious vitamins: pink girl prefers yellow-and-red pills, and green boy – yellow-and-green. But they constantly lose them to find in strange and sometimes unavailable places. Such findings are quite often, as famous Fire and Water, when they come home, often find their crystals in unexpected places. Each friend is ready to help partner and deliver favorite delicacy to him/her. Or just help your friend to appear near necessary pill. On some levels heroes will find very interesting puzzles, which can’t be solved by simple creatures. But thanks to ability to divide some body part, for example, hand or head, from the rest of body, these kids can get into various places and find their pills everywhere.

Categories and tags of the game : Auto-zipped, Multiplayer, Platformer, Puzzle