Eve Online – Uh what?

Eve Online – Uh what?
Eve Online – Uh what?

Eve Online - Uh what? I’m just going to quote what I said when I first posted this animation on eve-o «So I’ve been reading up on the latest dev blogs about all the stuff that CCP is cooking up for next content patches and I must say some things kind of scare me. A year ago a noob would start with a rock and a drone and the biggest shipclass was the Battleship. Now we have dreadnoughts, player owned stations, outposts, cynosurial fields, deadspace anomalies.. and in one year we’ll have.. well something close to this according to what I read» This animation is related to the MMORPG Eve Online. If you’re not familair with this game and its innerworkings and politics you’ll most likely not get the gist of this animation. I warned you! Credit credit credit Music track from Serious Sam (game) Alert Voiceclips from Half Life 2 (game) The «CUZ IM EXTREEEME» voiceclip is from another flash animation although I forgot which one 🙁 Various soundeffects were nicked from various games

Categories and tags of the game : Comedy, Science Fiction, Single Player