End of Nightmares
Scrolling cartoon beat ‘em up based on the Take to the Streets engine
Author Comments:
Fight the darkness in your dreams! End of Nightmares is a scrolling beat ‘em up using an enhanced version of gavD’s Take to the Streets engine.
gavD (code) says:
After Take to the Streets was launched in February, I received several collaboration requests. I was initially reluctant to make a sequel, but when I saw what Markus was capable of I decided to go ahead. The engine is massively enhanced – it features sprite layering, jumping and customisable controls. Thanks to embeeforme for his patience with my insistence upon iterative development practises!
embeeforme (graphics) says:
«gavD and I worked countless days and hours on this game. We went through goodness knows how many demos and finally came up with this. Thanx gavD!»
Categories and tags of the game : Action, Auto-zipped, Beat 'Em Up, Fighting, Side View, Single Player