Eliza’s Kicking Trouble
Carrying multiple babies is already plenty of work without them pushing against their confinesusing any combination ofhands, feet, and elbows. Eliza tries her best not todisturb them, so that they canrest andnot cause any disruptions, but there are some times when that’s just not possible.The one thingbad enough to earn a reputation asher arch-nemesis is… stairs. They’re already enough trouble to get up with her belly weighing her down, restricting her movement, and blocking her view, but all the jostling aboutthat resultsis also prone to agitating the babies. Once they get going, there’s no real stopping them until they calm themselves down. There’s also that one, the troublemaker, head planted firmly in her pelvis and feet aimed upinto her ribcage.How life has changed whenan arch-nemesis used to be reserved for things like towering beasts and rogue sorcerers, yet is now something as mundane as stairs.
Animation #3!
Huuuuuge timesink. I started this back in late March, and have been working on it off-and-on since then. The biggest issue was that I decided to cel-shade it. That was a mistake. <_< Drawing in-betweens of all those shadows moving around consumed quite a lot of time, andis the main reason this project took so long. There was also supposed to be a background, but at some point I deleted the sketch layer for it by accident, and by now I've had enough with this that I'm not going to bother trying to remake it. So Eliza is just sort of leaning on thin air… (She's supposed to be in a staircase.) Not ideal, but meh I need to lay this project to rest andmove on to other things.
This animation was big enough that I opted to composite it in Flash, as I don't think a regular GIF could support it. Even Flash was throwing a fit over this until I switched to a computer with a more recent version. (CS6 vs 4) I guess they didn't add support for large animations until more recently, since there are people who drop entire After Effects movies into Flashthese days.
Categories and tags of the game : Adult, Loop, Pregnancy, Single Player