Earth banner – Animated

Earth banner – Animated
Earth banner – Animated

Earth banner - Animated I found a special plugin online which I can use it in Flash, that is called Waving Flag come from, but unfortunately, unlike the online demo which uses ActionScript 3, the plugin I used is an AS2 version, so the waving effect is limited. Anyway, here’s the Earth banner. BUT, can anybody help me to pick a different background instead? I’m now using Google images. In this case, maybe Sweet Apple Acres? What do you think? I’m open for suggestions. And do link me any good images which anyone we can use as long as credit is permitted. EDIT : All thanks to mandydax for this pic [link] , I can finally give this banner its proper MLP background. Background (C) mandydax iconmandydax:

Categories and tags of the game : Loop, My Little Pony, Single Player