E3 Services Pte Ltd Website Banner

E3 Services Pte Ltd Website Banner
E3 Services Pte Ltd Website Banner

E3 Services Pte Ltd Website Banner About Us «E3 Services Pte Ltd» is the transformation from Exceltec Environmental & Engineering Services with the support from USA, Korea and Japan environmental technologies. Intensive research and development were conducted by worldwide renowned specialists that guarantee consistency and reliability in products and services to meet the need for a clean, healthy, efficient and comfortable environment in line with the requirement of Green Building. At E3 services, our core competency is being able to respond to the needs of the market. Besides providing environmental and engineering solutions, we are also engaged in the field of air-condition and refrigeration system providing specialized and professional services in air-conditioning & ventilation system, conventional air-cooled split air-conditioning system, VRV system, chilled water system, cooling tower and etc. Our mission is to provide clients with comprehensive, one-stop solutions to all facilities-related requirements, where a tightly-run maintenance operation is essential for the upkeep of a modern building. Through E3 engineering & environmental solutions, the customer will be served and supported by not only the facilities maintenance and engineering services but will also be provided with the most advanced technologies of combining energy-efficient products towards good indoor air quality. This will enable us to assist the building owners to identify, evaluate and select cost-effective solutions and technologies towards better building performance and Green Mark scores. We have a team of professional consultants and engineers who constantly strive towards services excellence whilst maintaining customer satisfaction as our main priority. We ensure that our clients will receive only the best services and support. E3 Facilities & Environmental Services will always strive to meet the best confidentiality, reliability and efficiency for its customers. e3 Services Pte Ltd 2 Jurong East St 21 #05-07 IMM Building Singapore 609601 Tel: (65) 6565 9660 Fax:(65) 6568 2121

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