Drew Frame-By-Frame Animation
This is an animation I’ve worked on-again-off-again for a month which I’m gonna put into my Demo Reel, and if you’re wondering about the quality the dude who owns the studio I want to work for prefers to see rougher animation. It’s been a while since I did FBF animation like this, it was quite refreshing.
The dialogue comes from a scene I got planned for a future Going APE episode where Dug questions Drew if he ever gets tired of sleeping with so many woman everyday and this is his response. The dialogue from the script goes like this:
* *Drew quickly rushes out of his bedroom and slams the door, erotic groaning and moaning can be briefly heard**
**Drew:** WHOA!!! I swear I thought they were gonna tear the skin right off my back!
**Dug:** Another busy night at the office, eh?
**Drew:** Man you have no idea!
**Dug:** You know Drew I gotta ask because I’m curious, do you ever get sick of sleeping with so many woman on a daily basis?
**Drew:** You know Dug, you would think that in the long run I would get sick of it but… To tell you the truth… … …BAHAHAHAHAHA!!! I really DON’T!!! Hahahahahaha hah!!!
Categories and tags of the game : Comedy, Single Player