Dress the Centaur ver.1

Dress the Centaur ver.1
Dress the Centaur ver.1

Dress the Centaur ver.1 I’ve been working on and off on this for a few weeks during any down time i have. Which is not much unfortunately.^^ So it’s mostly not done. I’ll submit a more improved version sometime soon. Changes for ver.2 Ability to choose eye and skin color Animal friends Improved graphics Correct button linkage v.2 WIP Screenshot https://www.deviantart.com/kingv/art/Flash-Game-Dump-3-110847690 Any suggestions on what to add? Feel free to post them below. FAQ #502: Can I submit things which I made using different «games» like a doll maker or with other character generators? My Terms of Use: You can post screenshots of the character you create in your SCRAPS gallery only as long as you also place a link to this game in your comments. If you place screenshots of this game in your main gallery it is considered a form of art theft since you did not create any elements of the character yourself and will be deleted by DA admins You may not make adoptables out of the game and use them to make any type of profit (money, points,or subscriptions) even if proper credit is given. You can however make them and give them away for free but must always credit me as the original artist and link back to this game.

Categories and tags of the game : Auto-zipped, Centaur, Dress Up, Single Player