Drag Racer

Drag Racer
Drag Racer

Drag Racer www.omglaserspewpew.com now open!!! See how far down the track you can get, beware of oil drums! Arrow keys to move. I BROKE THE CAR CHANGING SYSTEM JUST NOW! Sorry but I’m working on it =) also this is just a minigame, all suggestions will be read and forgotten because I am just experimenting with scores this weekend, as you can see by my other 2 submissions. This is kinda meant to be a game you can just quickly start playing when you feel like it and try to improve your personal best, like a game called ‘Fly the heli’ which is very simple and a bit like this, literally hundreds of kids in my school play that game daily, so I’m hoping they might play this now =)

Categories and tags of the game : Dodge, Score-Attack, Side View, Single Player, Sports