Divequest Chapter 1: The Tragic Prince

Divequest Chapter 1: The Tragic Prince
Divequest Chapter 1: The Tragic Prince

Divequest Chapter 1: The Tragic Prince Navigation: – chapter 1 – https://dediggefedde.deviantart.com/art/Divequest-flash-chapter-2-282766445 So, here is the promised flash! The tragic prince Muschio goes in a dungeon to clean it out! The author of the original story, weaver, is currently in trouble and homeless! Visit his tumblr for details: http://tgweaver.tumblr.com/post/19107187069/help Warning: mature for blood/violence, but no gore. Hint: It’s not a «game» you can play, but rather a short-story which making was a game. How to use You need some flash-player for your Browser to view this, e.g. the one from adobe: http://get.adobe.com/de/flashplayer/ You can use your mouse to click on the arrows left/right to go to the previous/next frame, the skull to start, the orb to view additional comments! If you would rather use your keyboard, press >enterenter<. So, I asked Weaver for permission to make this and publish it here, if I give proper credits. Of course I needed to alter some pictures/animations to fit better and I made the navigation+orb+skull… and some actionscript… so not only copy+past^^ The main time-consumer was designing. I was inspired by the flash from ruby's quest (which is from weaver, too^^ ; also mature): http://nepeta.mozai.com/Ruby_Quest/ Statistics: about 600 objects in 220 frames from 130 rpg-pictures Review: Well, this is the first flash I made… So I would like to get some critiques, about text-color, arrangement, etc. Those critiques may lead to a second version! As I still have the source-file, I can still make alterations^^ Please note, that the neither the story nor the pictures are mine, so please talk with weaver about it: tgchan.org/kusaba/questdis/res/313859.html A problem I encountered was, that the current source-file for this is very unhandy… it's just 500MB, but I need to resize the flash to 100*100 to delete a frame in the middle of timeflow unless I don't want to get a "out of memory"-exception^^ Another problem is, that this flash got kind of long… so, if you like it and I want to make something similar for the second chapter (there are currently 24 ongoing), I may part the stories somewhere in the middle… And how about a register of contents to switch to a specific frame? https://critiques-requested.deviantart.com/ https://plzcomment1.deviantart.com/https://plzcomment2.deviantart.com/

Categories and tags of the game : Comic, Single Player