Defendant 3xtreme

Defendant 3xtreme
Defendant 3xtreme

Defendant 3xtreme Behold! DEFENDANT 3XTREME! The 3rd installment of the «DEFENDANT» series! The first one was deleted long ago, but the second one still stands. [link] It’s amazing how they’re both not related in any way, yes? I didn’t finish this animation because it’s not worth completing. It’s too random and time consuming. The end product wouldn’t have been that great. I gotta face the fact that I have to move away from this sort of randomness if I want to get serious with my career. I have to make something detailed and complex sometime soon. Heheh, I’ll do it later when I have the time. Until then… ON WITH THE RANDOMNESS!!! This animation was started sometime after the summer when I played Phoenix Wright and took «Film and the Law». Me and my friends did some voice overs at Mikes house to test his recording equipment. It was pretty fun. Anywho, this thing sat around for a long time and I thought I’d brush it off a bit and submit it. I should learn to work on some REAL animatics. Not this junk… ONWARD TO MY NEXT PROJECT… *continues doodling*

Categories and tags of the game : Auto-zipped, Comedy, Single Player