Dash and Pinkie Smuggle Apple Cider
Celestia and Luna needed some Apple Cider real badly, but the only way to get it was to smuggle it from Manehatten to Canterlot. Their only choice? Hire the elusive, cunning, and sly Rainbow Dash, also known by her street name: The Dasher.
With Dash as the blocker, Pinkie «Cupcake» Pie is able to take her 18 Wheeler and haul that cider real quick. Unbeknownst to them, however, a sheriff is on their trail…
This took a really long time, and I’m going to add more to it, so here’s V1, if you will. Enjoy! Also, check out the following artists:
:iconzombiezephyr: :icondx11: :iconganton3: :iconthe-crooper:
They also have ponies in vehicles. Oh, and the group, #Ponies-In-Vehicles, they have vehicles too!
Credits to Hasbro and Lauren Faust for My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.
Credits to Universal Pictures for Smokey and the Bandit.
Categories and tags of the game : My Little Pony, Other, Single Player