Crazy of Muffins

Crazy of Muffins
Crazy of Muffins

Crazy of Muffins **Derpy gets crazy! [![Pinkie Crazy](](  Derpy Puppet Rig Created by: [![:icondjbit-3:]( «DjBit-3»)]( Derpy (c) Hasbro and Lauren Faust Watch me if you found my art interesting! ![:D]( «:D (Big Grin)») Join the 200 Pony OCs Head Dancing Animation! [![]( **Join 200 Pony OCs Head Dancing Animation!(178Left)******To be honest, This project is inspired by :iconLoving-Brony:’s 100 Pony OCs Conga Line. When he just do it for 100 Pony OCs, then i’ll do this animation for 200 Pony OCs since i am skillfull enough to animate. Plus, this animation is for my 250+ Watchers Special! ![:D]( «:D (Big Grin)»)**** ![](×900/filters:no_upscale():origin()/pre00/0799/th/pre/f/2015/261/f/a/challenge_accepted_by_graytyphoon-d9a0tac.png) **So, this project is about 200 Pony OCs doing head dancing alternately. Every Pony OC will do head dance for about 0,75 Seconds or longer.** **Before you want your OCs will be in this animation, you must read the rules first:** **- Only my watchers can let their OCs will be in this animation (New watchers always welcome and i will give the llama for those who watch me. But NOTE: Watch me if you like my art, don’t watch me just because your OCs wanted to be in this animation)** **- You can put more than one OC.** **- You can only put your OCs if your OCs are Pegasus, Earth, Unicorn, Alicorn, and Lamia Pony**](**

Categories and tags of the game : My Little Pony, Other, Single Player