Costume Panic
So, you’re going to a Halloween party tonight. Jim is a sorcerer, Clem is a mummy… and you are the monster. Unfortunately, you never worked on your costume, and the party starts NOW. Make you way through three 5-seconds micro-games, and get the more accurate possible.
WARNING : Since i’m a pretty original dude, I made my sounds with sfxr, and I’m REALLY bad at balancing volume. So yeah, 8-bits shireking there, maybe turn your volume down.
— About this project, and about me not wanting to compete :
First entry here, and first real game made from start to finish. Since this isn’t quite what I exepcted my work to be in 3 days, we’ll call it micro-game. Or a concept. I’m not certainly proud of the result, but damn proud of having finally made an entry for the LD Jam. So yeah, I’m not here for the competition, just so I can say «I made something.»
Still, I’ve let opt-in some catgories for judging, just so if one or two people liked it, they could tell me about it. No graphics because of a font and a wood board, nor sounds because your ears may bleed.
Made with FlashBuilder 4.7, ActionScript3 and the Starling Framework.
Categories and tags of the game : Action, Game Jam, Ludum Dare, Single Player, Time-Attack