Cherry Red Guitar
Large file. About 3/4 of a megabyte.
Flash player required.
Pegged into «Flash Animation» category because, you dA oddballs, I go through all this effort to create a Flash based media player to showcase a rendered animation efficiently and THIS is how I get repaid for my efforts?
Gah. S’OK. I still love you guys.
I’m positive many of you are accustomed to the 2d paintings and color works I usually do. It’s been ages since I uploaded a 3d anything. But I’ve been dusting myself off and deciding to get back into the full swing of the 3d thing. I’ve really wanted to return to the craft, but with work schedule and all, I could only find time to do color work as side projects.
But, a portfolio is in desperate need of an update, and to make my college tuition count, I’m working on a whole new portfolio.
This, of course, being a most appropriate image for what I’m doing now.
Photoshop CS2
3d Stud-…err…well it’s all written on there anyway.
Oh, except…
Comments appreciated. Criticism honored.
Categories and tags of the game : Demonstration, Loop, Single Player