Cel-Shading Tutorial
First off, I’d like to inform reviewers that Newgrounds categorizes tutorials and games as the same; if you were expecting this to be a game, you’re wrong! This is a tutorial on how to make cell-shaded graphics in Flash.
The tutorial is pretty concise, but it’s also decently descriptive, so you should do fine. If I’m moving too fast for you, go ahead and send me a PM. Depending on its contents, I might rephrase my tutorial or simply send a reply back.
Look guys, it’s not really cel-shading. I’ve heard that about 4 times over from you guys. It creates the ILLUSION of cel-shading, and depending on your shading picture, it may look more or less realistic. Your best bet is to scan in your own shading pictures exclusive to the artistic theme of the scene. Don’t expect a real cel-shading tutorial soon, because FLASH CAN’T HANDLE 3D.
Categories and tags of the game : Interactive, Single Player, Tutorial, Volume Warning