Candy Caper

Candy Caper
Candy Caper

Candy Caper or treat Izm and Marcus are out on a candy run, and it’s up to you to help them out! They’re so overloaded with sugar that they can do little more than run around in hyper little circles, so be a dear and use the space bar to steer them in the direction of those delicious treats. Watch out for their lootbag meter, as they can’t help but eat on the run, and when it empties they can’t continue their candy crusade! Candies :bulletpurple: The purple candies afford points :bulletyellow: The candy corn increases points and your lootbag meter :bulletgreen: The icecream increases points and lootbag the most, but it melts fast! :bulletblack: The liquorice makes the boys eat more from their lootbag to mask the flavour! Don’t get them! My best score on Izm is 859. My best score on Marcus is 1252. Feel free to try and top them lol! — i guess lol. After all that changing of avatar and journal CSS i decided i didn’t really feel like doing something «creepy» (Samhain will forever hold that fort for me) |D So we ended up with this instead. It’s like…on the other end of the Richter scale :XD:. Anyway this is essentially a mod of, and considering i only had a very vague idea of what i was doing concerning external actionscript classes i’m surprised that it works at all lol. Unfortunately i never did figure out how to have sound in this thing mute-able from all parts of the game, so as a heads up you cannot mute or unmute the music when on the select character or game over screen. On that note…oh yeah there’s music so turn your sound down or up or whatever. Whoops, too late. Sorry for any burst ear drums. Have fun! — Animation + characters © me [*] :cd: by [email protected]

Categories and tags of the game : Alice in Wonderland, Anime, Arcade, Halloween, Invader Zim, One Button and more..., Score-Attack, Single Player, Time-Attack