Buddha Tooth Relic Temple Website Intro (Singapore, 2007)

Buddha Tooth Relic Temple Website Intro (Singapore, 2007)
Buddha Tooth Relic Temple Website Intro (Singapore, 2007)

Buddha Tooth Relic Temple Website Intro (Singapore, 2007) English: The Buddha Tooth Relic Temple (Singapore) (BTRTS) was founded in 2002 by Venerable Shi Fa Zhao. It was registered by the Registrar of Societies in February 2003. The Temple will be dedicated to the Maitreya Buddha, which means ‘The Compassionate One’, and also called ‘The Future Buddha’. «In accordance with The Great Compassionate Vows of The Maitreya Buddha, Buddha Tooth Relic Temple (Singapore) seeks to be the best Buddhist cultural complex in the region.» » To promote and impart the Teachings of Lord Buddha. » To develop a new Chinese Buddhist cultural complex to venerate the Sacred Buddha Tooth and Relics; To promote and showcase Buddhist, Chinese, Chinatown and Singapore culture; To provide Buddhist Education and Research; To support other Voluntary Welfare Organisations; and To provide welfare services to the sick, poor and needy, regardless of race or religion. Buddha Image The Dhammakaya of all Buddhas arise from the perfection of all actions and the fruition of all virtues. Encompassing limitless life, there is no birth and death, no more coming and going. ‘Om’ The heart of mantra, the greatest of all mantras. This is the abode of all Buddhas. Ray of Light The bright light of Buddha is like the rising sun, its radiance fills the world where beings abide in loving-kindness, compassion, appreciative joy and equanimity, ensuring they gain rebirth in the good destinations and practice the three vehicles which carry living beings across samsara. Lotus Realising the four transcendental realities in Nirvana, the peaceful mind of beings are no longer tainted by defilements. Golden Colour When the great compassionate Maitreya Buddha arrives, the world plagued by the five dreaded calamities of degeneracy would be filled with golden light, transformed into the pure land of Lapis Lazuli. Red Colour The power and authority of the Buddhist doctrine, with warmth and affection. 中文: 佛牙寺的设计基本构思是按照法照法师的概念,经由国内外的专家顾问群多方研讨后,而制定出融合了佛教曼陀罗和唐朝建筑风格的设计蓝图。 曼陀罗是梵语Mandala的汉语音译,具有“轮圆具足、聚集、坛城、道场”的意思。曼陀罗是佛教宇宙观的象征,从表面形象来看,曼陀罗是佛教庄严世界的图相;从内在层面上讲,曼陀罗可做为学佛之人身心修炼的指导。 唐朝在中国的历史上是一个非常重要的时代。历史学家们认为她是七八世纪世界上最富强的王国。当时的首都长安是文化与商业的中心。唐朝是中国政治、经济、军事、文学、艺术和外交的黄金时代。 盛唐时中国建筑体系已发展至成熟阶段,由于皇室崇佛,所以唐朝的佛寺近于皇家宫殿的规格。加上对外交流的增多,外来的装饰图案、雕刻手法、色彩组合诸方面大大丰富了佛寺建筑,也使得盛唐佛寺建筑更加绚丽多彩。

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