Bloody Finger Mail
Bloody Finger Mail
Viral Tool
Timeline: 3 weeks
We felt it was time that there was something different to send to people online. We thought we would shake things up with a little self-promotion.
We applied our B-movie sense to the online world and came up with Bloody Finger Mail. It’s a place where people can send friends a ghoulish message and have the ever-present hand write their message in blood.
Frankly, the viral campaign was almost TOO successful. The subsequent traffic jam crashed the servers the first day of launch and needed to be moved to an ultra fast machine. In the end, the site averaged 100k e-cards sent a month – a great feat considering it only used word-of-mouth marketing. The site even received mentions from the likes of USA today, Maxim, and Yahoo.
Categories and tags of the game : Ecard, Gore, Single Player, Toy