

Blastin' EASTER EGG! Don’t know if any of you guys actually let the fuse burn all the way down to the end in the title menu… Another! The wording on the side of the dynamite is Chinese for ‘Hot Potato.’ & To see the other Flash Games for Project Applo, check out: Games»>:bulletblue: Interactive»>:bulletblue: Games»>:bulletblue: Games»>:bulletblue: Games»>:bulletblue: Games»> Bootin’ – Pickin’ – Choppin’ – Fixin’ – Scoopin’ – Tossin’

Back in high school, I discovered a little game called Minesweeper. It was a preinstalled game with Windows that nobody really understood, and was mostly a proverbial ‘bubble wrap’ for hyperactive kids who never really sat down to study the way the game actually worked. Sometimes the smiley face up top looked happy, sometimes it winced, but a lot of times it somehow ended up precociously dead. In a data swap with my friends via TI-83 calculator, I picked up an extra minesweeper type game with it. In my boredom, I tried it out, didn’t get it, didn’t get it, didn’t get it, then by some miracle…finally understood. I was hooked for months on Minesweeper TI-83. But there was one thing I hated about the game. Should explosions always be a reward or a motivating gameplay factor. Who would want to play a game where the goal was not to trigger any pyrotechnics? And if you did, why wasn’t there a cataclysmic upheaval of earth, wind, and fire groovin’ up your insides*? *Been on a funk music binge. So I flip the roles, and this time, a gigantic glorious eruption of hell is the result of…anything. If you do well, big boom. If you mess up, big boom. If you plant a flag, well… …you can pretend the flag’s on fire and made of snakes or something. Also, the other thing I hated about minesweeper was the life system. Why just one life? That’s why nobody ever sat down and thought the game through, because there was no ‘doing better next time,’ it was always ‘pass or death.’ So you can consider this a more polished, hashed out rendition of the Windows 3.1 gaming classic in dazzling animation and full spectrum color. Ever see a Minesweeper clone cause a top-tier gaming rig to slag to a crawl? That ain’t inefficient programming you see there, that’s next-gen Minesweeper going gloves off into your face.
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