Beef Bash – 100% Horsecow Edition
Get a REAL JOB and run your own Meat Castle !
Gut cattle of all kinds and make loads of money. Buy rugs ! Buy a tv ! Cook a fuckin’ DRAGON ! ** GO NUTS **
I made this waaay back in the day, but due to the sponsor’s ad site going kaput it hasn’t functioned in over a year. Plus my friend reminded me of it blazing topicality in the light of all the horse meat us British are currently enjoying. ALSO I’ve redrawn some of the more crappy graphic elements to make republishing it here more valid 😀
Other notes – looking back at the source code it was heavily re-formatted by the lovely Ronny B***y – it actually looks like proper code now. Thanks Ronny !
Categories and tags of the game : Auto-zipped, Simulation, Single Player