Barbie Dates a Celebrity
From all the categories from our website there is absolutely no doubt that one of the most popular and loved category is the one in which Barbie is in the center of atention most of the times, so we are talking about the category Barbie Games and we are very happy to inform you that the next game our team have prepared for you is exactly from this category and it seems like beatiful doll Barbie needs your help. As you all probabily now already, barbie is a very well known doll and there are probabily just a few people who do not know who Barbie is. So, giving these circumstances, you should not be surprised that in this game Barbie got 3 date proposals from 3 different celebrities and we are talking about Justin Biber, Zayn Malik and Calvin Harris. Barbie likes all three of them so she really doesn’t know whom to pick. Your first job will be to help beautiful Barbie to choose one of these boys for her date, and after that, in the next level, you’ll have the chance to help Barbie to dress up and to pick the most beautiful colors and pattern for her clothes. You have to be very attentive to make sure that barbie really looks her best for this very important date.
Categories and tags of the game : Barbie, Dress Up, Memory, Puzzle, Single Player