Anime Sim Date 0.0

Anime Sim Date 0.0
Anime Sim Date 0.0

Anime Sim Date 0.0 More games and dating sims from me: [link] ————————————————————————— A strange dating sim based off of true events… :noes: Have fun with it anyway. ;p There are some inappropriate themes in this, but it’s pretty much hentai free (No nudity). Wow, this is my first dating sim with little animations and music… :omg: ————————————————————————— :pc: GAME PLAY :pc: This game is easy. Just don’t say inappropriate or preverted things and you’ll eventually win the game. :nod: It’s sometimes funny if you say the bad things that make you lose though… ;p If you want to turn off the music, then click on the «music note» button on the characters slide at the beginning when you first start the game… ————————————————————————— :stereo: THE GAME’S ENDING :stereo: The final ending may be confusing to many of you. :faint: The hidden Easter Egg will explain it to you if you don’t get it. But of course, you’re going to have to find it for yourself. :heart: And the player doesn’t always have to get a «happy» ending in sim dates, right? Well, this game is just a little bit different from the rest, that’s all. :XD: ————————————————————————— :typerhappy: HIDDEN EASTER EGG :typerhappy: If you want a clue to find it, then click on INFO from the PLAY menu… and then click on Mr. Toko. =p ————————————————————————— :spyedvsjark: DEDICATION :spyedvsjark: I made this Flash game with these awesome guys in mind… :aww: :iconzemndragonheart: :iconnicyboy: :iconmerry-go-roundabout: ————————————————————————— Comments and questions are always welcome~! :omg:

Categories and tags of the game : Adventure, Dating Simulator, Single Player