Animated Pony Commission: Fire Strike + 2
This is my fifteenth My Little Pony animation commission. This was requested by [:icon3vilpyro:]( 3vilpyro. Fire Strike is an Original Character created by 3vilpyro, [Polly]( is an Original Character created by [:iconkhimi-chan:]( Khimi-chan, and [Cuddle Bug]( is an Original Character by [:iconxbeautifuldreamerx:]( xBeautifulDreamerx.
A little while ago 3vilpyro gave me a LONG list of requests from my catalog and this was the first to be done. I’m still going to do all of her requests and I’m going to add them all into one big file, pick away at them and make updates whenever I finish one until they’re all done. The reason I’m not putting this one in is because this one has multiple OCs in it. One thing I’m doing as I’m doing these multiple requests is going back and revise the animations because some of those animations (as long time followers are certainly aware) are years old and there are little errors that need tweaking. This one was no exception, but I think I got the blob bounce more fluid this time around. Bouncy bouncy!
If you want your My Little Pony Original Character animated, [then visit this page for details.](
**Completed Commissions**
:bulletred: [Starling for Squeno/Aoxis](
:bulletorange: [Swift Flying for outlaw4rc](
:bulletyellow: [Flightless for CieloRey](
:bulletgreen: [Short Hilt for SayaArt](
:bulletblue: [Raindew for thetriforcebearer](
:bulletpurple: [Surfing Blossom for outlaw4rc](
:bulletpink: [AirGuitar or AireGeetar](
:bulletred: [Cielo X Luna for CieloRey](
:bulletorange: [Ester for Captain-of-the-Guard](
:bulletyellow: [Phenomenon for Captain-of-the-Guard](
:bulletgreen: [Zeo Hooves for zeospark16](
:bulletblue: [Rhythm for IHaveNoNick](
:bulletpurple: [Aurelia Charm for AureliaCharmCutiees](
:bulletred: [Nightshine for Abyss136](
:bulletorange: Fire Strike, Polly and Cuddle Bug for 3vilpyro/Khimi-chan/xBeautifulDreamerx
:bulletyellow: [Fire Strike for 3vilpyro](
**Test Animations**
:bulletred: [Applejack Run Test Animation](
:bulletorange: [Twilight Sparkle Walk Test Animation](
:bulletyellow: [Derpy Hooves/Ditzy Doo Fly Animation](
:bulletgreen: [Pinkie Pie Bounce Animation](
:bulletblue: [Vinyl Scratch/DJ p0n-3 Head Bop Test Animation](
:bulletpurple: [IAmSwagg Walk Test Animation](
:bulletpink: [Chroma Cutter Walk Test Animation](
:bulletred: [Princess Luna Hair Test Animation](
:bulletorange: [Applejack Bounce Animation](
Categories and tags of the game : Commission, Loop, My Little Pony, Other, Single Player