Alvin the Alien: Adventures in Low Earth Orbit.

Alvin the Alien: Adventures in Low Earth Orbit.
Alvin the Alien: Adventures in Low Earth Orbit.

Alvin the Alien: Adventures in Low Earth Orbit. A ridiculous fast-paced UFO shooter with biplanes, MiG’s and squid! Author Comments: This is my first flash game so woot! The story goes: You are an alien explorer flying through the Earth’s atmosphere when suddenly you are trapped by arrows. In this arrow trap (created by the Soviets) you encounter biplanes, MiG’s and Soviet Mutant Flying Squid! Oh the humanity! Controls are: W – accelerate A – rotate left D – rotate right Space bar – shoot laser P – pause The music was made by boney-man also known as Shibumi and Ackute. You can check out his other stuff at ute Also I would really appreciate reviews and comments for this game. Thanks for playing!

Categories and tags of the game : Arcade, Single Player