A.W.C.A.F.I.T What’s that? http://Asteroids.With.Caverns.And.Fuel.In.Them (hmm weird DA things it is a link lol) 🙂 Well LD games do need weird names 🙂 Ok… It is 1:32 here and tomorrow I need to go to work… So I am calling it a day… No complete game for LD15 🙁 Spent too much time on testing ideas for that… Anyways go pretty close to it. In the end idea was like that. Spaceship stops at asteroids. Borrows a hole in them and tries to collect as much fuel (hydrogen or something) from them 🙂 Should have worked well for 48H compo but I failed to do it in 48h… As once before stuck with testing new/old untested ideas for too long 🙂 How to use Use slider or mouse wheel to rotate asteroid which changes gravity too. Hold mouse button to create fluid at that point. You may change some settings like how much water is created or how big level should be (water does not become smaller but level does). Also try setting amount of particles to 1000 or something and clicking 🙂 As 1000 particles are created in small it creates large pressure and it explodes lol 😀

Categories and tags of the game : Interactive, Physics, Single Player, Toy