

Fireworkin' & & To see the other Flash Games for project Applo, be sure to check out: Games»>:bulletblue: Interactive»>:bulletblue: Games»>:bulletblue: Games»>:bulletblue: Games»>:bulletblue: Games»> Bootin’ – Pickin’ – Blastin’ – Choppin’ – Fixin’ – Scoopin’ UPDATE! You guys suggested I include a music track. Here you go: Or if you prefer a death metal track: All right, now that you’ve got that playing in the background, jump on in. First off, thanks to all of you guys for your suggestions and constructive criticism. I’ve addressed a number of the issues, and have fixed a few hitches (framerate, button response, graphic flickering). I’ve also added in a ‘combo’ system. There’s really no extra score bonus for getting a super-high combo, but it does unlock more intricate fireworks the higher you get it. END UPDATE Whew, now this is a game that takes me back into more familiar territory. It’s my preferred game type, was pretty easy to code together, and really, was just an excuse to have a lot of bright flashy explosive colors obliterate the screen. This is one of the simplest game’s I’ve made, one of the smallest memory wise, but dag nabbit, I’ll be git’n, it’s so cotton’ pickin booty’ful tha’s fer’shure. This game is actually the second attempt at a game I was working on at the end of last week. The coding got so ostentatious, so oblong, so unnecessarily complex, I cut my losses and tossed it. The whole time I’ve been on Applo, I’ve never had to toss a game project. And I never would’ve imagined the reason being ‘inability to write a functioning code to achieve desired game design.’ That’s the real challenge with game design. Most people think it’s a question of ‘is it fun?’. True, that is the most important question. But in a close second of importance is ‘is it possible?’. Of course it’s possible, granted…GRANTED…you have infinite time, resources, man-power, and motivation. But once you run out of one of those four things, you’re toast. On the last game, it was a total loss of motivation, and a fleeting lack of man-power. It was just too complex. My humble brain couldn’t handle it. I couldn’t get it fixed to remain on schedule, couldn’t figure out the problem, and really, was losing all faith that the game itself would be fun in the first place. Then, come Monday afternoon, as I’m walking around the block to cool off and get some fresh air after abandoning that project… …something clicked. A whole new game design swept over me. I went dashing back inside, and in a matter of hours, coded a functioning engine for this game you see here. So even after cutting another game project and starting a whole new one completely from scratch, this one came together so gracefully that I was able to make up for lost time and still remain on schedule for Applo’s production pipeline. Adobe Flash Adobe Photoshop CS2 3d Studio Max Wacom Tablet Comments appreciated. Criticism honored.

Categories and tags of the game : Arcade, Medieval, Single Player, Time-Attack, Timing