uu: Defeat UU.

uu: Defeat UU.
uu: Defeat UU.

uu: Defeat UU. Pesterlog: uranianUmbra [UU] began cheering undyingUmbrage [uu] UU: king to e3. uranianUmbra [UU] ceased cheering undyingUmbrage [uu] undyingUmbrage [uu] began jeering uranianUmbra [UU] uu: ROOK TO E3. uu: CHECK. uu: SOMEONE’S IN DEEP SHIT. undyingUmbrage [uu] ceased jeering uranianUmbra [UU] uranianUmbra [UU] began cheering undyingUmbrage [uu] UU: blech. look at this royal cockUp. UU: this is so stUpid. UU: now i either have to sacrifice my qUeen, or move my king into a strategically horrible position. UU: why am i even going along with this? uranianUmbra [UU] ceased cheering undyingUmbrage [uu] undyingUmbrage [uu] began jeering uranianUmbra [UU] uu: YES. THAT SuRE IS A STRATEGIC DILEMMA. uu: WHO WOuLD HAVE THOuGHT. THAT THE GAME OF CHESS. WOuLD PRESENT SuCH A SCENARIO? uu: DO YOu FORFEIT. undyingUmbrage [uu] ceased jeering uranianUmbra [UU] uranianUmbra [UU] began cheering undyingUmbrage [uu] UU: yoU wish. UU: to hell with it. let’s sacrifice the qUeen. UU: i still pUt odds in my favoUr, with my rooks and bishop versUs yoUr bishop, rook, and qUeen. UU: i’ve bested yoU before with less material and initiative on my side. UU: qUeen to c3. UU: the rook is dead. UU: my «bro» is an arse! uranianUmbra [UU] ceased cheering undyingUmbrage [uu] undyingUmbrage [uu] began jeering uranianUmbra [UU] uu: WHOA. WHAT A HuGE MISTAKE. HA. HA. uu: I THINK I MuST BE IN YOuR HEAD. EVEN MORE THAN uSuAL. uu: QuEEN TO C3. uu: THE QuEEN IS DEAD. uu: THE BITCH FuCKED uP. uu: CHECK! undyingUmbrage [uu] ceased jeering uranianUmbra [UU] uranianUmbra [UU] began cheering undyingUmbrage [uu] UU: oh shUt Up and play. UU: king to e2. uranianUmbra [UU] ceased cheering undyingUmbrage [uu] undyingUmbrage [uu] began jeering uranianUmbra [UU] uu: PAWN TO E5. undyingUmbrage [uu] ceased jeering uranianUmbra [UU] uranianUmbra [UU] began cheering undyingUmbrage [uu] UU: rook to c4. uranianUmbra [UU] ceased cheering undyingUmbrage [uu] undyingUmbrage [uu] began jeering uranianUmbra [UU] uu: BWA HA HA. uu: ANOTHER IDIOTIC BLuNDER. THIS IS SO EASY. uu: QuEEN TO F3. uu: CHECK. undyingUmbrage [uu] ceased jeering uranianUmbra [UU] uranianUmbra [UU] began cheering undyingUmbrage [uu] UU: king to d2. uranianUmbra [UU] ceased cheering undyingUmbrage [uu] undyingUmbrage [uu] began jeering uranianUmbra [UU] uu: QuEEN TO D5. uu: CHECK. uu: ON THE FuCKING RuuuuuuuuuuuN. WOO. HOO. HOO. undyingUmbrage [uu] ceased jeering uranianUmbra [UU] uranianUmbra [UU] began cheering undyingUmbrage [uu] UU: shUsh. UU: king to c2. uranianUmbra [UU] ceased cheering undyingUmbrage [uu] undyingUmbrage [uu] began jeering uranianUmbra [UU] uu: QuEEN TO D6. uu: THE BISHOP IS DEAD. uu: HIS FLESH CONSuMED. undyingUmbrage [uu] ceased jeering uranianUmbra [UU] uranianUmbra [UU] began cheering undyingUmbrage [uu] UU: wait, where did yoU pUt it? UU: yoU better not have jUst literally eaten the bishop. UU: rook to c8. UU: check. uranianUmbra [UU] ceased cheering undyingUmbrage [uu] undyingUmbrage [uu] began jeering uranianUmbra [UU] uu: KING TO D7. undyingUmbrage [uu] ceased jeering uranianUmbra [UU] uranianUmbra [UU] began cheering undyingUmbrage [uu] UU: rook to h8. UU: the rook is dead. UU: oUr shits weren’t given. uranianUmbra [UU] ceased cheering undyingUmbrage [uu] undyingUmbrage [uu] began jeering uranianUmbra [UU] uu: QuEEN TO C5. uu: HAA. HAA. uu: CHECK. uu: ANYFuCK. NO. I DON’T IMAGINE THIS GAME WILL BE TAKING uP MuCH MORE OF OuR TIME. uu: SSSSSSSSSSS. uu: DID SOMEONE LET THE SNAKES LOOSE? uu: OR WAS THAT THE SOuND OF MY VICIOuS bURN. undyingUmbrage [uu] ceased jeering uranianUmbra [UU] uranianUmbra [UU] began cheering undyingUmbrage [uu] UU: grr. UU: king to d2. uranianUmbra [UU] ceased cheering undyingUmbrage [uu] undyingUmbrage [uu] began jeering uranianUmbra [UU] uu: QuEEN TO D5. uu: CHECK. undyingUmbrage [uu] ceased jeering uranianUmbra [UU] uranianUmbra [UU] began cheering undyingUmbrage [uu] UU: king to e2. uranianUmbra [UU] ceased cheering undyingUmbrage [uu] undyingUmbrage [uu] began jeering uranianUmbra [UU] uu: QuEEN TO F3. uu: CHECK. undyingUmbrage [uu] ceased jeering uranianUmbra [UU] uranianUmbra [UU] began cheering undyingUmbrage [uu] UU: king to d2. uranianUmbra [UU] ceased cheering undyingUmbrage [uu] undyingUmbrage [uu] began jeering uranianUmbra [UU] uu: QuEEN TO G4. uu: THE ROOK IS DEAD. uu: OuR CHESS SET IS SHRINKING. undyingUmbrage [uu] ceased jeering uranianUmbra [UU] uranianUmbra [UU] began cheering undyingUmbrage [uu] UU: will yoU stop… *DOING THINGS* with the dead pieces! UU: i swear, as if the jUvenile «enchantment» wasn’t enoUgh, if it tUrns oUt yoU are also losing or destroying pieces deliberately, I AM GOING TO STRAIGHT UP FLIP A BITCH. UU: rook to h7. UU: CHECK!!!!!!!!!!! uranianUmbra [UU] ceased cheering undyingUmbrage [uu] undyingUmbrage [uu] began jeering uranianUmbra [UU] uu: KING TO C6. undyingUmbrage [uu] ceased jeering uranianUmbra [UU] uranianUmbra [UU] began cheering undyingUmbrage [uu] UU: king to c2. uranianUmbra [UU] ceased cheering undyingUmbrage [uu] undyingUmbrage [uu] began jeering uranianUmbra [UU] uu: WOW. ANOTHER AWFuL MOVE! uu: YOu’RE PLAYING ALMOST AS SHITTY AS I uSuALLY DO. uu: LOOKS LIKE MY ENCHANTMENT WORKED BETTER THAN I THOuGHT. uu: FOR SOMETHING THAT WAS IN REALITY. uu: FAKE ASS MAGIC. uu: QuEEN TO E4. uu: CHECK. undyingUmbrage [uu] ceased jeering uranianUmbra [UU] uranianUmbra [UU] began cheering undyingUmbrage [uu] UU: king to b2. uranianUmbra [UU] ceased cheering undyingUmbrage [uu] undyingUmbrage [uu] began jeering uranianUmbra [UU] uu: QuEEN TO H7. uu: THE ROOK IS DEAD. uu: THE JIG IS uP. uu: MATE IN FOuR. uu: OR LESS! undyingUmbrage [uu] ceased jeering uranianUmbra [UU]

Categories and tags of the game : Homestuck, Single Player, Slideshow, Webcomic