UBF2010Round03 B AN

UBF2010Round03 B AN
UBF2010Round03 B AN

UBF2010Round03 B AN Click on either Lucario’s or Pachirisu’s attack to launch the attack combo! And feel free to click anywhere to replay^_^ …No it isn’t Aura sphere and Spark, it’s Water Pulse and Discharge! =P So why the title sounds so weird? :XD: It’s be cause this is our entry for round 3 against ~DevilChibi and ~JuanPriest. The wonderful idea for the attack combo and the awesome lineart are done by ~Zeephyra, while I did the coloring and animation. In case if you want to see the trainers clearly(:P), click here for the non-animated version: [link] Trainers: Zephyra :iconzeephyra: UBF10-476 Trainer sheet: [link] Kiro :iconeledora: UBF10-382 Trainer sheet: [link] Trew :icondevilchibi: UBF10-413 Trainer sheet: [link] Thadeus :iconjuanpriest: UBF10-378 Trainer sheet: [link]

Categories and tags of the game : Interactive, Pokémon, Single Player