Chu Chu rocket 1
This is based on the chu chu rocket game for dreamcast…even tho i only have the GBA version but that’s besides the point.. this took me way too long to make but ah well i finished didnt i? well, i hope you enjoy: The «story» is a lone Chu Chu trying to find a red rocket to get off of a dying planet. There is only one other species of chu chu on this planet, Chupea. Unfortunately the chu chu’s plans are interrupted by a Kapu Kapu. To find out what happens please watch AND REVIEW TOO! O_O i love reviews 🙂 ….. OH YA.. btw..did i mention this is my first non stick cartoon?… hehe…he….heh……just watch it -_-
Categories and tags of the game : ChuChu Rocket!, Mild Violence, Music Video, Single Player