(Every day is) National Emo Kid Beatdown Day!

(Every day is) National Emo Kid Beatdown Day!
(Every day is) National Emo Kid Beatdown Day!

(Every day is) National Emo Kid Beatdown Day! Every day is National Emo Kid Beatdown Day! 8D Although the next «official» date will be 9/9/09~ You know you can’t stand them. Don’t worry; no one can. Embrace your hatred of the emo. 🙂 Everyone knows they’re not real people, anyways. Also, this is good stress relief. xD Animation (c) ItaLuv Sound fx are royalty free P.S. And yes, I admit the An Hero thing is dumb. XD It was really late when I came up with that. And because I know people will ask, «An Hero» is a person who commits suicide in a lulzy or fail-ish way/for a lulzy or fail-ish reason. [EDIT] lol, I love how people are commenting on this going «This offends me because I/my family member/friend is emo.» xD I don’t care if you’re an emo or a poser or a 12-year-old looking for attention. Go BAWWWW to someone who cares. And highfives to those who are enjoying this flash~ ;D The pleasure was all mine. [EDITx2] Not that I don’t enjoy hearing about what a bitch I am, but I’m going to have to disable comments on this one. They’re starting to clog up my inbox. If you absolutely have to notify me about how much I suck, drop me a note. I’d be happy to hear your well-thought-out, correctly punctuated rants. Thank you, and have a nice day. [link] HEY, DON’T LIKE THE WAY I THINK? HERE’S A CHANCE TO PUNCH ME IN THE FACE INSTEAD! :iconimhappyplz:

Categories and tags of the game : Blood, Single Player, Toy