Hello there. It’s not Sunday, but here is a news article anyway. I hope you enjoy it immensely, in a carnal sort of way.
Firstly: [here is a link]!
There’s this ‘MyBrute’ thing that I’ve seen around a lot… one of those things that’s based a lot around referral linking which tends to clog up forums and annoy a lot of people.
At first, I didn’t even bother looking into it because I assumed it’d just be something annoying, but once my curiosity did finally get the better of me, I found it rather interesting as a little browser ‘toy’ if not necessarily as an enthralling game.
I can certainly see the appeal of it, and would like it if you would [click my referral link]! : D
No, I’m not overdoing it at all.
It inspired me.
For a while, I’ve been trying to work on a project that would be really simple to make but would have a lot of appeal, in a simplistic sort of way, and a huge payoff for me.
I think I may have finally found what I can do!
When ‘playing’ that MyBrute thing (remember, [click here]!), I noticed all the things about it that bothered me because I tried to look at it as a developer…
Mostly, it’s based on sheer luck. What bonuses you get are randomly determined, and what your character automatically does in battle is entirely random too. This means that there’s no sense of balance, because if you go up against a same-levelled character who just HAPPENS to have a super weapon because the Random Number God favoured them, then you’re almost certainly going to lose.
It seems this has appeal in that it’s really a very casual sort of game (or ‘toy’) and doesn’t require any *thought* behind it… It makes it very widely accessible, I suppose.
I decided that I would try to make my own similar thing though, using the same sort of concept, which is used for a lot of webgame things (you get bonuses from referral links and can do the primary action only N times per day), but with more in the way of actual user customisation and control.
It will involve dragons.
And it will be so simple to make that I’m not even going to alter my schedule for it; I’m just going to work on it whenever I’ve already finished all of the day’s tasks and am wondering what to do with my time.
So far, in about one day’s worth of time (technically it took three due to moodiness caused by ‘life issues’, but if those didn’t come up, it would have been done in a day), I’ve made this little thing: [LINK!]
Or rather, uh, THIS: [LINK!]
It doesn’t DO much at the moment, but it’s the most basic aspect of the idea that I’m going to do.
I won’t go into details just yet, but basically you’ll have a dragon which battles other players’ dragons in fights that you control, but it can only battle a limited number of times per day. Referral links will get you experience and money or something, which could be used to buy bonuses. Not much randomness would be involved. More involvement. Dragons!
I get the feeling that people will be annoyed at me focusing on yet ANOTHER project, but like I said, I’ll only bother about it at all ‘on the side’, after finishing the proper WORK on my big projects. It won’t hinder any of those.
And it could actually be really appealing to people and very profitable for me, and as such would be motivating! : D
So, uh, yes. In closing, [be my pupil]!
Categories and tags of the game : Auto-zipped, Dress Up, Single Player