Exotic Journey
~Exotic Voyage II~
Back in June 2007, I have posted a deviation https://ken1171.deviantart.com/art/27-000-Exotic-Journey-57480933 containing this music, but due to changes in the Adobe Flash Player, it stopped working years ago. By then I used a tool called «Motion Artist 3» because I didn’t know how to program in AS3 (ActionScript 3.0) just yet.
There was no way to fix the old Motion Artist file, so today I decided to rewrite the whole thing in pure AS3 from scratch. I’ve also added new stuff, like the sound waves, my own cross-fade slide show, and the volume control slider – where none of that existed in the original project.
Music was created using the Magix MusicMaker sequencer back in 2007, but since the whole thing was rewritten from scratch in AS3, I decided to post it again as a new deviation. ^____^
Hope you like it and thanks for coming by!
Categories and tags of the game : Ancient Egypt, Loop, Music, Single Player