NTU: IntelliSys Website Banner (Singapore)

NTU: IntelliSys Website Banner (Singapore)
NTU: IntelliSys Website Banner (Singapore)

NTU: IntelliSys Website Banner (Singapore) The Inteligent Systems Centre (IntelliSys) is an applied research centre jointly set up by Singapore Technologies Engineering and Nanyang Technological University in 2003. IntelliSys is the meeting point of application-specific problems and technologically viable solutions. Strategically, it will serve as a hotbed for technology development and advancement in the area of intelligent systems. The Centre places emphasis on synergistic integration of physical systems with information technology and complex decision-making processes in the design, manufacture and operation of Intelligent Systems relevant to industrial users As an Applied Research Centre, the IntelliSys is positioned as a gateway between NTU and ST Engineering and it serves as a bridge between theory and applications in Intelligent Systems. It will strive to provide exciting exposure for researchers, students and engineers in their undertakings and venture on innovation and new knowledge. Vision: «Expanding the Frontiers of Intelligent Systems» Missions: To conduct R&D programs focusing on cutting-edge technologies related to control, communication, perception, decision-making and autonomous action with applications in the industrial, commercial and military sectors. To undertake technology innovation for creation and prototyping of new products and services relevant to industry partners. To establish collaboration with other research institutions and organizations for the purpose of enhancing the state-of-art Intelligent Systems Technologies.

Categories and tags of the game : Loop, Single Player