Dragon A
if the video stops right click on it and activate loop
you might know this dragon from my previous works
this is done in anaglyph (for 3d viewing you need red-blue or red-cyan glasses, red for the left eye blue-cyan for the right)
I just finished part of the programming for stereo view
for now it works for spheres – real spheres not polygon approximated spheres
next I have to put in some reflections and then write some stereo procedures for polygons (I have some old ones but I need to do this again… it sucks)
the video is a little blurred for technical reasons (otherwise there’s some color mixing which is really bad for anaglyphs)
check www.3dstereo.com for red-cyan glasses (and other stereo devices)
cross-view : [link]
side-by-side : [link]
Categories and tags of the game : 3D Glasses, Experimental, Loop, Single Player