Legacy of Guy 2

Legacy of Guy 2
Legacy of Guy 2

Legacy of Guy 2 Guy’s insane adventure continues in all its side scrolling goodness, but this time he’s got a selection of awesome special moves that increases each level! The basic controls are simple: mouse moves and clicking shoots Now the hard part: specials Basically, you get one special out at a time (you current one is displayed in the lower right corner next to your score) and you switch it using Q W and E. What special comes out when you hit those keys is decided by you at the beginning of the level. How, once you have a special armed you hit D to actually use it. In other words if I assigned bombs to W then I would hit W to switch to it and then hitting D would use a bomb. That may sound like a complex system but really it isn’t, and after some time you’ll get used to it and thankful that it comes in so handy. S also turns around (helpful in some cases) and P pauses (helpful in other cases). Other then that, just remember to kill everything that isn’t either a blue-bug-of-extra-lives or a floating ammo/health rock (they should be obvious that they aren’t enemies).

Categories and tags of the game : Action, Auto-zipped, Shooter, Side View, Single Player