Dress Up Usagisailor

Dress Up Usagisailor
Dress Up Usagisailor

Dress Up Usagisailor FULL VIEW FOR DRESS-UP GAME!!! ———————————————– Re-submitting in a different category with a few new items added. List of Costume Pieces: –Black blazer and black pants — My favorite suit :-3 –Grey and green shirt with grey pants and green ammo belt — Cosplay from my RP character, Jackie ([link]) –Red camo scarf, red arm ribbon, red bitten-heart tat, red corset, and thigh-high boots — Cosplay from a rendition of my RP character, Usagi, by ([link]) –Green spaghetti strap top, which I do not own –Blue-jean shorts, which I own many of –Bottle of White Russian *YUMMEH!* –Neck tattoo (I sported a temporary one for about a week) –Big ol’ glasses (cuz they look cute when they’re big) –Fox ears and tail –Loving and shocked facial expressions –Cosplaying Ed from Cowboy Bebop, as per request of my friend Aurasilver, including red hair, green goggles, white tshirt, and dark blue bike shorts. –Paintball body armor (aka boob protector) and fleece jacket –Other different hair styles THIS WILL BE UPDATED!!! I will probably upload a second version in the next few days… But for now I feel like I should give everyone a preview. Q&A –No, there will not be a nude version of me. Actually, it’s a skinnier version of me, but still, no nudity. –No, there are no «interactive» zones on her body. Sickos. –YES there will be updates –YES I am looking for more clothing and expression ideas –MAYBE the next update will most likely have different hair styles –I WILL TAKE COMMISSIONS for making a dressup for your own character, if you wish. Not too much… maybe even just a simple art trade. It really depends on what kind of clothing and detail you want. AIM, YIM, MSNIM, or G-Mail me. Any more questions or comments will be answered if they arise.

Categories and tags of the game : Dress Up, Female, Single Player