Craftyy – «Plant an Idea»

Craftyy – «Plant an Idea»
Craftyy – «Plant an Idea»

Craftyy - "Plant an Idea" Remember that :The Game: series I made? :The Game:, Replaying :The Game:, Reimagine :The Game:, and now, with Craftyy, you can… REMIX :THE GAME: :::::::::: CRAFTYY = WIKIPEDIA + GAMEMAKER :::::::::: Anyone can branch off and build upon anyone else’s game, all with an fun-to-use game editor. When people keeping adding onto each others’ work, even the smallest of changes… … add up to big, badass beauties. We need a community close to each other, but open to all. So, please back Craftyy, and tell your friends to join in too! For the collaborative-creativity cause! TOGETHER, WE CAN MAKE THIS HAPPEN.

Categories and tags of the game : Comedy, Informative, Single Player