Snail Game

Snail Game
Snail Game

Snail Game The so called «Snail Game» (I never came up with a title) was a flash platformer with a variety of ideas that I wanted to experiment with. The game is almost entirely complete, but a few quirky bugs combined with my personal schedule prevented the game’s release. The graphics were inspired partially by the artwork of Fez, using blocks of different shades to give a sense of depth to platforms. However, the more interesting elements are found in the gameplay of Snail Game, which features exploding snails as the primary enemies. Instead of killing the player on contact (as is typical in platformers), the detonating snails simply push the character away, and if you are unlucky they will push you off the platforms entirely. In travelling around the levels, the player can not only walk and jump, but also be sucked through a network of tubes or ride ziplines to travel from platform to platform. Collecting keys to open doors also gives the game a puzzle element. Please try out the game via the link below, it is almost entirely playable except for some of the final levels.

Categories and tags of the game : Action, Auto-zipped, Platformer, Single Player