Lounge Physics Engine

Lounge Physics Engine
Lounge Physics Engine

Lounge Physics Engine Hello everybody! Me and https://meninasuitcase.deviantart.com/ finally did a new flash application:phew: this one is based on the super awesome Box2D library :la: we recently found this website where everybody with some flash experience can learn how to creat application with 2D physics engine! 🙂 here is the website : http://www.kerp.net/box2d/ ———————————————— How to use : _Drag and drop the items to see how they move in the lounge, you can have fun put the item to different spot to see how the will act when other item will hit them! _You can also modifie the world setting in the menu, and show or hide the shape mode. ———————————————— Working time : around 2 weeks created with flash cs3 and FlashDevelop using actionscript 3, we did created 13 actionscript classes to make this application work, ———————————————— MixedMilkChOcOlate’s work : – All the Flash physics with Box2D, – Vector Design – watched 32 video tutorial about box2D ———————————————— MenInASuitcase’s work : _ Creation of the Menu, using classes to creat sliders, checkbox, _ Class to show background and at random time rain over the window, _ Creation of the clock item, _ Creation of the textfield class, _ Class to Link to our deviantart profile, _ Drew the deviantart preview .Gif file, —————————————————————– MixedMilkChOcOlate’s Flash gallery : https://mixedmilkchocolate.deviantart.com/gallery/#Flash MenInASuitcase’s Flash gallery : https://meninasuitcase.deviantart.com/gallery/#Flash —————————————————————– Don’t mess with Twin’s gasp https://meninasuitcase.deviantart.com/art/don-t-mess-with-legasp-D-127457628

Categories and tags of the game : Customization, Demonstration, Experimental, Physics, Single Player, Toy