A Blobwork Orange

A Blobwork Orange
A Blobwork Orange

A Blobwork Orange Part 1 of an epic saga Author Comments: Finally, 4 days of work, staying up late every day, and finally after all this I’m finally done. This is a Blobwork Orange. New things: Final boss (he’s as tough as hell) 3 songs which you can pick from whenever the game isn’t in a play sequence or a cutscene. Updated tutorial. Secret winners message. Tutorial is on my userpage. Authors notes: If this gets through, I’ll wait untill tomorrow, then get a sequel on the way. Oh and don’t feel bad if you can’t beat the final boss, I can’t neither. Oh and the huge file size is all because of the music. Edit: There’s been some trouble with my computer thst the game wouldn’t load, if you experience similar problems PLEASE PM ME! Edit: Fixed final boss glitch. Edit: Unsounded (much quicker) version here: http://neosquidly.deviant art.com/art/A-blobwork-or ange-75163776

Categories and tags of the game : Adventure, Auto-zipped, Single Player