Update: I’ve changed a few things based on your criticisms. I’ve made the width a bit bigger, added stick arms, darkened a couple backgrounds to improved visibilty, and a couple other minor things.
Based on the completely unexpected sucess of my last Create-A-Snowman, I’ve decided to make another…but I couldn’t wait until next year, so here you go! I did this one mainly because I personally wan’t that proud of the last one. It was kind of sloppy because I didn’t expect much out of it…
This one improves on just about everything, for example:
*Now you can select from multiple backgrounds (some interactive!)
*Better and more refined jukebox
*Higher quality snow/graphics
*dozens of new items to add to your snowman
I hope you enjoy it as much as the last one. From a technical standpoint atleast, this one is much better.
Categories and tags of the game : Christmastide, Object Creator, Single Player