DeviantArt Doodle
Deviant Doodle V2!
I made a drawing flash thing out of boredom a little while back and said there would be other features to be added.
Please take a picture of anything you make and post it in the comments, I really want to see it
-deviantArt theme
-separate «pencil» layer
-adjust thickness and alpha
-many hot keys for just about everything (shown in game)
-rectangle and circle drawing
-ability to fill as you draw of fill shapes
-hide panels for easy picture taking (id like to see what
you make please)
-wide variety of colors
-line shadow
-optional side blur to blend in to deviant art page
-right-click menu to change some options
any suggestions/comments/bugs/help greatly appreciated
i still expect to add a few more features
Hot keys:
R: Eraser
A: Pencil (basically a foreground layer)
S: Brush (the first layer)
D: Fill (fill while you draw)
F: Toggle line shadow
T: Draw rectangles
Y: Draw circles
X: Clear screen
V: Toggle panels (great for taking pictures)
B: Toggle the edge blur
; Decrease
» Increase
[ decrease
] increase
right-click: menu for colors and tools
edit: added some small things and minor bugs thanks to some suggestions from a friend
Categories and tags of the game : Drawing, Single Player